Where’d Neko go?

Neko is such a curious little guy.
I was at the end of the day today, and I still hadn’t done my 365 photo for the day. Since the day started, I knew I probably was going to have a tough time taking a picture. Nothing to do today. No piano lessons, no after school, nothing. I was sitting on the couch telling Mom about it when she offered to trade lenses. She said I could use her lens that could capture a lot of detail. Excited, I accepted. Now that I had a good lens, I could take a good picture of anything, with exquisite detail.
I looked around the room, searching for inspiration. My eyes landed on our curious little bird, and I started experimenting, trying different angles and postures. I liked this photo. It brought out Neko’s colorful personality. This was my other candidate.

I chose the other one though. This was an interesting one. I had a lot of fun experimenting with camera lenses tonight. I hope that one day I can be proud of my photos.